Tuesday, December 22, 2015

I'm back

Here is the first four chapters for volume 2. I have to admit, MTLing these chapter's made me realize that I have become better at deciphering a coherent flowing meaning over time. They seem far less choppy to me. I can also identify some phrases before the software tells me what they are. The obvious one is Master (Goshujin sama), as I can always identify it now. Although I still don't know what the individual characters are, so maybe I'm putting the cart before the horse?

In any case, I was debating over a Christmas/Christmas-Eve Chapter Dump, then decided against it. I'd still try and get some chapters done by then for a Christmas release, so hope I can get that going.

On a side note, for those of you who are interested in machine translating and looking for a basic guide and missed that fact that I had posted it before my hiatus, go here. I outlined the softwares that I use and where you can find them, along with a short rundown on how they work. The softwares themselves have tutorials on their base site, so I haven't bothered with them yet.


Ch 47
Ch 48
Ch 49
Ch 50


  1. WB! And thx as usual, but i wonder how different your translations are compared to aten and aweful :P

    1. Andrew is definitely better. The others are messy. I gave up reading them and waited for Andrew's return.

    2. Considering all three are machine translations, I'll say that I have been doing it longer :P . Other than that there isn't much difference.

    3. Well, I can clearly say that I don't feel like bashing my head while reading your work. :)

    4. Its more of the case that those people doesnt understand english

  2. thanks so much for the release!!!

  3. Welcome Back! And Thank you for the Chapter!

  4. Nepu!!!
    Been waiting for your release as I somewhat cant understand the other vwrsion released.

  5. https://atentranslationswordpresscom.wordpress.com/2015/12/19/skill-taker-ch-51/

  6. Welcome back! I missed you. The other two MTL are much worse than you.

  7. Can you put the Chapter # in the title of the page in some form?
    It helps with RSS readers and page clipping.
